by Admin | Apr 27, 2017 | Industry News, Latest News
Earlier this month, on 1st April, new insurance renewal rules were introduced to improve the way that brokers handle renewal policies with their customers. The FCA brought out changes to ‘increase transparency and engagement at renewal in general insurance markets’....
by Admin | Apr 24, 2017 | Industry News, Latest News
Today new speeding penalties have been brought in in a fight to make the roads across the UAE safer. Many new laws are being enforced this year. On 1st March we saw changes to motoring laws about using mobile phones at the wheel. The penalty was doubled to a (USD $)200 fine...
by Admin | Apr 20, 2017 | Latest News, Motor Insurance FAQ
Why are car insurance prices rising? At Axios Insurance & Reinsurance Solutions DMCC, we have conversations every day with our clients about why are their car insurance prices rising. Many are asking the same question with little understanding as to why they are paying so much....
by Admin | Apr 6, 2017 | Latest News
Many car manufacturers have made movements to make their cars more eco-friendly over the past decade. But the most eco-friendly car around is the electric car. An electric vehicle is powered 100% by its rechargeable battery. This is unlike regular cars which use its...
by Admin | Mar 23, 2017 | Motor Insurance FAQ
Thousands of cars are seized every year across the UAE and there many reasons why cars are impounded. These vehicles are taken from the driver and placed in an impound until the driver has the correct impounded car insurance to release it. Here are the reasons why cars...
by Admin | Mar 2, 2017 | Industry News, Latest News
There has been a lot of recent news about the increase of the Ogden discount rate brought in by the government on the 27th February. It has the insurance market in uproar, with the decision by Lizz Truss being called ‘crazy’. Many insurers have released just exactly...
by Admin | Feb 23, 2017 | Industry News, Latest News
Over the course of 2017, the world of motoring is changing with stricter rules and regulations being brought in. These changes will affect the way we drive and could cost motorists a lot of money. Read on to find out all you need to know about the new laws: Penalties...
by Admin | Feb 16, 2017 | Latest News
The news of driverless automation is currently everywhere, from government regulations to new competitors joining the market. The market is fast growing and could be worth (USD $)900 billion by 2025. The UAE government are keen to get the country at the forefront of the fast...
by Admin | Feb 9, 2017 | Other Product Guides
What is cyber insurance? Even though cyber insurance has been around for years, it is only recently making a name for itself. This is because cyber attackers are becoming more sophisticated and creative in their methods with access to more tools. More insurers are...
by Admin | Feb 2, 2017 | Motor Insurance FAQ
As it is such an infrequent purchase, many people have a lot of questions about car insurance. We have answered what we think are the five most important car insurance FAQs together to help you get the most out of your car insurance. 1. Does my policy allow me...